If You Snooze, will You lose (Weight)?

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The word has been out for a while that lack of sleep can mess with weight loss and weight management, but get this: According to a small study published in the Annals of internal Medicine, when dieters in the study got a full night’s sleep, they lost the same amount of weight as when they slept less. When dieters got appropriate sleep, however, a lot more than one half of the weight they lost was fat. When they cut back on their sleep, only one fourth of their weight loss came from fat.

Participants were placed on an individualized, balanced diet, with calories restricted to 90% of what each person needed to maintain his or her weight without exercise. Each participant was studied twice: once for 14 days in the laboratory with an 8.5-hour period set aside for sleep, and once for 14 days with only 5.5 hours for sleep. cutting back on sleep appears to compromise efforts to lose fat through dieting.

Getting appropriate sleep also helped control the dieters’ hunger. When sleep was restricted, dieters produced higher levels of ghrelin, a hormone that triggers hunger and reduces energy expenditure. higher ghrelin levels have been shown to minimize energy expenditure, stimulate hunger and food intake, and promote retention of fat.

Aside from lack of sleep, rumor also has it that by not eating after a certain time of night, you’ll lose weight. However, it’s not necessarily the time cut-off that will rid you of the pounds. Calories count. Whether you eat them at 9 a.m. or 9 p.m., a calorie is still a calorie. However, if you give yourself fewer chewing hours, you’ll likely take in fewer calories and have a lot more active hours to burn them off. This is especially helpful for late-night snackers who reach for the chips and cookies late night. If this sounds familiar, a cut-off time for eating might be helpful to you.

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A recent global survey of worldwide sleep patterns from the Philips center for health and Well-being shows that Americans are some of the most sleep-deprived people in the world. So, what can you do about it?Now is your chance to learn which foods to eat and which to steer clear of for a good night’s sleep.

Should you reach for tryptophan-rich foods?The hormone serotonin is an crucial aspect in triggering sleep. considering that our nerve cells use the amino acid tryptophan to make serotonin, much attention has been given to the role of tryptophan (and tryptophan-containing foods) in promoting sleep. Studies of tryptophan’s impact on sleep have found that it is only one phase of sleep – the falling asleep part – that is enhanced by tryptophan. other aspects of sleep, such as the amount of deep-sleep reached during the night, may actually be harmed by supplemental tryptophan.

Many animal foods are relatively high in tryptophan and might sound like logical candidates for improving sleep. However, these same animal foods are also fairly high in other amino acids (like tyrosine) that could be used to produce other substances (like adrenalin) that would normally decrease with the onset of sleep. In summary, trying to up your serotonin by boosting your evening intake of high-tryptophan foods as a way to improve your sleep is not recommended.

Our serotonin levels respond to other aspects of our diet, however, and one of those aspects is carbohydrate intake. eating foods higher in carbohydrates raises our blood insulin level. This is because carbohydrates are digested relatively swiftly and raise our blood sugar level a lot more swiftly than proteins or fats. along with this boosted insulin level there is an boosted transport of amino acids into our brain, including tryptophan. a lot more brain tryptophan leads to a lot more brain production of serotonin and boosted probability of sleep onset.

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Put down the burger and chips!Sometimes we rationalize and think that a big meal will actually help us get to sleep by exhausting our body and having it slow down from exhaustion as it tries to digest the large meal. It’s tempting logic, but research evidence points in the opposite direction. A large meal does the opposite of slowing our body down. It asks our circulatory system to step a lot more blood to our digestive tract. It asks our stomach to secrete a lot more gastric acid.إنه يطلب من البنكرياس لدينا أن يصبح أكثر نشاطًا وينتج إنزيمات هضمية. باختصار ، وجبة كبيرة تفعل أي شيء سوى راحةنا. تُظهر الأبحاث أيضًا أن الأشخاص الذين يتناولون الأطعمة عالية الدهون لا يحصلون على الوزن فحسب ، بل يعانون أيضًا من تعطيل دورات نومهم.

احذر من الكافيين الخفي ، ليس من المستغرب أن يعطل فنجان القهوة المسائي نومك. حتى الكافيين المعتدل يمكن أن يسبب اضطرابات في النوم ، ولكن لا تنسى مصادر الكافيين الأقل وضوحًا ، مثل الشوكولاتة والكولا والشاي والقهوة المنحوية. من أجل نوم أفضل ، قم بقطع استهلاك الكافيين وتجنب الكافيين في الساعات قبل الذهاب إلى الفراش.

فيما يتعلق بالنوم ، إذا كنت ستأكل وجبة خفيفة قبل 1-2 ساعات من النوم ، فإن الوجبة الخفيفة الصغيرة القائمة على الكربوهيدرات تتضمن بعض البروتين وبعض الدهون سيكون أكثر منطقية. قد تشمل الوجبات الخفيفة للحصول على غفوة: 100 ٪ من المفرقعات الكاملة للحبوب مع مجموعة من زبدة اللوز.

حول هذا المؤلف جوانا دولغوف ، دكتوراه في الطب هو طبيب أطفال وخبير في السمنة لدى الأطفال ومؤلف كتاب “الضوء الأحمر” و “الضوء الأخضر” ، ويأكل المثالي (رودال ، 2009). تم عرض برنامج Dr. Dolgoff للطفل والمراهق () على WABC News و WNBC News و Fox 5 Morning Show و My9 News و WPIX News. قامت أيضًا بتصوير قطع مع The Today Show و Extra ، وهي مدون رسمي لـ The Huffington Post ، وهي الطبيب الرسمي لـ Camp Shane ، أكبر معسكر لخسارة الوزن في البلاد. يفقد الأطفال من 45 ولاية مختلفة وزنه مع برنامج Dr. Dolgoff على الإنترنت لفقدان الوزن عبر الإنترنت (). التحقت دولغوف بجامعة برينستون وكلية الطب في جامعة نيويورك وأكملت إقامتها للأطفال في مرفق الرعاية الصحية للأطفال المشيخية في كولومبيا في نيويورك. وهي زميلة معتمدة من مجلس الإدارة في الأكاديمية الأمريكية لطب الأطفال ومدربة معتمدة من اللياقة البدنية. تقيم الدكتورة دولغوف في روزلين ، نيويورك مع زوجها وطفليها ، الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 4 و 7 سنوات.

رابط إلى هذا المنشور: إذا غفت ، هل ستخسر (الوزن)؟
ذات الصلة ما هو التهاب البنكرياس؟


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